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Thursday, October 31, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
Survival Weapons: Do You Need Them?
This is an excellent question. We live in a day and age where there is so much debate about gun control and gun violence. Even mentioning the importance of a firearm is usually met with debate and vitriol from people on social media.
Before proceeding, let’s be clear about what a weapon is. The Miriam Webster dictionary online states that it is “something (such as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, or destroy” or “a means of contending against another.”
This is the perfect description for a weapon and we’ll see why every prepper needs an assortment of weapons. Don’t panic. You’re not going to war, and what you may not consider to be weapons actually are.
If you’re bugging out in the wild during a health disaster such as a contagion (and you want minimal human interaction), depending on where you’re camping out, you may encounter the wildlife there.
Generally, mountain lions and wild dogs will keep away from humans if you stay at a distance. Bears may do the same thing. However, if there are food odors or you have coolers that are unsecured, a bear might amble over to your campsite to see what you’re up to.
If you have bear spray, you’ll be able to use it on a charging bear. The bear spray is a weapon. It may look like a can of spray, but in this situation, it is a weapon.
Having a shotgun or high-powered rifle will allow you to fire one round in the air and the sound will scare away most animals and keep you safe. Weapons do not have to be used on the threat for them to be effective.
The same applies to human ‘animals’… if a lady is assaulted on a dark street, if she pulls out a snub-nosed revolver, her assailant will stop in his tracks. This is the fear that a weapon commands. It’s unparalleled when it comes to personal protection.
All the debate and gun control speeches in the world will not stop a rapist the way a gun can. The same applies to any other criminal. Your reluctance to carry a weapon will only put you in danger because most criminals do not have the same reservations.
They may rob you and stab you to death. It has happened thousands of times before. Assuming that it will not happen to you is sheer arrogance.
* Real weapons vs Makeshift weapons
Pepper spray, daggers, stun guns, firearms, etc. are real weapons. A rolled-up magazine, your car keys, your fists and shins are makeshift weapons.
Real weapons will always be superior to makeshift ones. Even if you’re a trained martial artist, carrying a firearm will make your life a lot easier and safer if you’re cornered by three thugs in an alley.
* Choosing your firearm
If you live in a country where you’re allowed to carry a firearm, you must carry one. It will be especially important during a time of crisis when people are desperate.
You’d be shocked to know that some people consider owning a gun the only prepping they need to do. With that gun, they can rob others and take whatever they have. This is a very real scenario.
If people will dare to rob banks and convenience stores with a gun (during times of peace), they’ll have no hesitation robbing you during times of crisis.
Purchase a firearm. Revolvers are easier to use than automatic pistols. Get a firearm with high stopping power. This is more important than accuracy. Self-defense scenarios are very different from a sniper perched on a roof a mile away from his target.
You want a gun that drops your attacker as fast as possible. Most self-defense situations are close-up, and you just need to point and fire. Get a heavier firearm made of steel so that the recoil is more manageable.
* Non-lethal weapons
You may not always be able to carry a firearm with you. So, keep some pepper spray or a stun gun with you. This is especially important for the ladies.
Always learn how to use the weapons you have. Get training and practice often. You don’t want to be fumbling during an actual assault. Seconds make the difference between life and death. Be prepared.
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” – Vladimir Lenin
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Discover Why Merely Reacting To Threats May Get You Killed
The title of this article may seem confusing. Why would anyone get killed reacting to a threat? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?
No, it’s not. They key word is ‘merely’… merely reacting is what most people do. Reacting without preparation can and probably will get you killed.
If you were bugging out in the wild and a bear spotted you, running away would be reacting. The bad news is that the bear makes Usain Bolt look like a sloth. It will outrun you and tear you apart in minutes.
Reacting with preparation, however, will mean that you have a bear spray ready with you to give you that edge. You’ll know that you can’t outrun the bear. Studies have shown that the bear spray when deployed 1.5 to 4 meters away at a charging bear has been able to stop the bear in 92% of the cases.
While the bear spray will not kill the bear, it will cause the bear so much discomfort that it runs off and spares your life. You can run off now and hide behind a tree and peep at the bear ambling away while it gives you dirty looks.
This is the difference between being proactive and reactive.
You must do your research and spend time planning out how you’ll behave in certain likely situations. If someone is about to break into your house, do you have a shotgun ready?
A shotgun is great because the ratcheting sound a shotgun makes when it’s being racked is enough to send most wannabe criminals running for the hills. If you know how a shotgun works, you’ll understand that even in the dark, just pointing it in the direction of the threat and firing can do a lot of damage because of the spray.
You wouldn’t know this if you weren’t prepared for such a threat. If two criminals are about to break into your house and you’re a lady, all alone with your two children and not prepared, you’ll probably react by trying to call the police or taking refuge in a room and locking the door.
This reacting with no preparation will either lead to your house being ransacked or you get injured or killed before the police even arrives. Hiding under your bed is NOT an option when the threat is at your doorstep.
A prepper does NOT react. They’re ready. They’re rehearsed and waiting. A smart prepper will know that the bear spray will work on the human housebreakers too.
Panic grips most people when faced with a dangerous situation. This happens even if you’re prepared and it’s normal. You’ll experience an adrenalin dump and have tunnel vision.
The difference between one who reacts and one who proactively takes actions is that the proactive one is following a set of actions he or she has rehearsed over and over. They’re working logically even when the situation is highly dangerous. This logic keeps them safe when well-executed. They’ll have less panic and know what they’re doing.
Your goal as a prepper is to be rehearsed and ready. Survival is NOT pretty. You can come under attack from animals and humans alike. Animals may want to eat you and humans may want to kill you.
It may seem harsh, but that’s why they call it survival. That’s just how it is. Be ready.
“Never depend on those luck moments - they are gifts - but instead always build your own back-up plan.” - Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
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